How To Install Red Hat Linux 9.4 on VMware

Ragib Ansari

What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)?

Red Hat Linux is an operating system based on the open-source Linux kernel. It was created by the company Red Hat and is designed for businesses and enterprises. Red Hat Linux provides a stable, secure, and efficient environment for servers and applications, often used in data centers and cloud computing.

The most popular version today is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), known for its strong support, regular updates, and compatibility with various enterprise software. It also emphasizes security, scalability, and system reliability. RHEL is often used in large organizations, while a free version called Fedora is a testing ground for new features before they are included in RHEL.

Red Hat

Ok, now we know what RHEL is we can start the installation process.

Downloading the RedHat ISO Image.

First, we gonna need the ISO image of RedHat which can be found here

Red Hat Download

Click on the Red "Download RHEL at no-cost" button, then register/login to the RedHat and your download will be started.

Note: Remember the credentials you just entered we gonna need this in the installation process. 

Installing RedHat in VMware.

Now we have to create the virtual machine to install RedHat on it.

Open up your VMware and follow the below steps.

Once you open VMware you will see this screen, Click "Create a New Virtual Machine".

Red Hat VMware

On the New Virtual Machine Wizard screen Select "Typical (recommended)" then Click on "Next".

Red Hat VMware installation

Select "Installer disc image file (iso):" and using the "Browse" button select the ISO image that you have downloaded and Click on "Next".

Red Hat VMware installation

On the "Guest operating system", Select "Linux" and for the Version Select "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 64-bit" and Click on "Next".

Red Hat VMware installation

Now name your VM and select the path where you wanna store your VM and Click on "Next".

Red Hat VMware installation

Allocate the size of a Virtual Disk according to you, Recommended size for Red Hat Enterprise Linux g 64-bit is 20 GB, I'm allocating 40 GB because why not? Then select the type of virtual disk that suits you and Click on "Next".

Red Hat VMware installation

On this screen, you can see the summary of your VM configuration.

Red Hat VMware installation

If you wanna change the configuration click on the "Customize Hardware..." button.

Red Hat VMware installation

On the Hardware page, you can change some configurations like Memory, Processor, boot image/storage, Network Adapters, and so on.

Memory Allocation:
The minimum recommendation is 1 GB, Recommended memory is 2 GB, I'm allocating the Memory to 4 GB you can do it according to your Host machine's Configuration.

Red Hat VMware installation

Here you can allocate the Number of processors & Number of cores per processor. Allocate the processors and cores according to your Host machine Configuration and Click on "Close".

Booting the RedHat VM for the first time.

Red Hat VMware installation

Click on "Power on this virtual machine" to boot it, once it boots you will see the below screen, Select "Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4" and hit enter.

Red Hat installation

It will start the installation process.

Red Hat installation

Select the Preferred language and Click on "Continue"

Red Hat installation

On the Installation Summary page, there are lots of different options but we need to focus on the options that have this icon on them "⚠️" 

Red Hat installation

First, we will go to the "Installation Destination".

Red Hat installation

Here you can create the partitions on the disks. I'm selecting automatic, it will create the partitions automatically for me but if you want to how much space each partition uses you can go for the "custom" option and create your own partitions, Once you are done with the partitions Click on "Done".

Red Hat installation

Next, we will be setting the Root password, Click on "Root password".

Red Hat installation

On this page, you can create the password for the root account. Remember to enter a strong password.

Red Hat installation

Next, Click on "Connect to Red Hat" enter the user ID and password that we have created to download the ISO image at the start, and Click "Register".

Red Hat installation

Once the registration is done you'll get this message.

Red Hat installation

Next, we have to select the software that we want to install with the os installation, Click on "Software Selection".

Red Hat installation

Here you can choose the Base Environment of the OS and the Additional software to install, I'm leaving everything to default and Clicking on "Done".

Red Hat installation

Now, we have cleared all the "⚠️" icons, and we can now hit the "Begin Installation" button.

Red Hat installation

Now the installation process gonna take some time go and grab yourself a coffee or watch this amazing video >>> "The Amazing Video".

Red Hat installation

Now, that the installation is completed you need to reboot the system Click on "Reboot System".

Red Hat installation

Once rebooted you will see the Setup screen, complete the setup and there you go The RedHad 9.4 is successfully installed.

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